Hello everyone, this is Josette and I'm helping out my sweet friend Sasha with a few things. Guess what, she gave me permission to give away a few of her template packs to her loyal followers. All you have to do is
follow her blog and
leave a comment telling me which of her templates you'd like to win and why. You get a choice of either Easy Breezy Part 14 or 15. Please check out her store at
MScraps for other gorgeous goodies!!! If you haven't already, please check out
this post in the RAK second of DST!!!!

Here's a couple of pages from both template packs:
Easy Breasy part 14
Wonderful World by Sasha (mom2peanuts)

Easy Breezy Part 15
Autumn Leaves by Josette (josette31)
I will be back on Wednesday to randomly choose a couple of winners.
xxx josette